Reasons why you should list your Holiday Home with Leisure Stay.
1. No Commission Fees.
Increase your profits by not paying high commission fees. Leisure Stay recognizes the issues surrounding commission fees payable. Not only does it destroy your profit margins, it also reduces your booking amounts. With higher daily rates to compensate for the high commission fees, you aren’t able to get as many bookings as you should.
2. You are paid directly.
We give you the control over your money. When a booking is made, the funds are paid directly into your PayFast account where you can then withdraw. Using this method of payment ensures we are contributing to the local economy and helping South African homeowners grow their property portfolio.
Other payment methods are being worked on. As we grow, we will implement more options depending on the feedback that we get from the home owners who list on Leisure Stay.
3. Control your booking requests.
There is a major concern regarding homeowners not being able to decline booking requests, should they wish to do so. We’ve been made aware of numerous instances where the person making a booking doesn’t align with the home’s values, offerings, or interests. This is a crucial feature because you as the homeowner know the surrounds of your home and what it can suitably offer. If you’re not satisfied with the booking request, you have the control to decline the booking request.
4. Control your rates and prices.
You have the control to keep up with inflation and the rising costs of day to day living. You can adjust future date’s pricing, and adjust your pricing as demand rises and lowers. As you’re not paying commission fees, you can also be more competitive with your rates and still maintain a very healthy profit margin.
5. Contributions.
Our contribution structure is simple with no hidden fees.
Commission Fees: 0%
Listings: R100.00 Per Month, Per Listing.
Booking Payments: 5% Payfast Transaction & Leisure Stay Admin Fee.
All contributions go towards the marketing and growth of Leisure Stay and your listings. We do offer individual marketing services as well which will be made available at a later date to be announced on our newsletter.